Monthly gross receipts sba
Monthly gross receipts sba

If the financial statements do not specifically identify the line item(s) that constitute gross receipts, the Applicant must annotate which line item(s) constitute gross receipts. If the financial statements are not audited, the Applicant must sign and date the first page of the financial statement and initial all other pages, attesting to their accuracy. Quarterly financial statements for the entity.The following are the primary sets of documentation Applicants can provide to substantiate their certification of a 25 percent gross receipts reduction ( only one set is required): Create a PIN that you (or your designee) will need to access your forgiveness application prior to submitting it for processing.Click on the Client Portal Link provided to you by Enterprise.Depending on who creates the PIN, it may be necessary to share it with the application preparer. Only one PIN should be created for the application. In Step 1 of the process, a PIN number will be created. The email with the link can be forwarded. The application can be completed by the borrower or his / her designee. Follow these steps when you’re ready to begin! Step 1 - Determine who should complete the application and initiate the application process. If we need more information, you will receive an email from us requesting additional information. Step 3 - Determine who should sign the application and e-sign the application.Revenue reduction supporting documentation is needed as it was not provided with your original loan application. Step 2 - Complete the application and upload supporting documents.Step 1 - Determine who should complete the application and initiate the application process.Detailed instructions for each step are below. The forgiveness application process contains three steps. If you cannot process your forgiveness application electronically, please notify us of your need for a paper application by sending an email to. You’ll use the system to electronically complete, sign and submit your forgiveness application and supporting documents. The application contains pre-filled portions, making the process more efficient for you. The email contained a link to your forgiveness application.

monthly gross receipts sba monthly gross receipts sba

The application must be completed, signed and submitted to Enterprise.

Monthly gross receipts sba